Pediatric dentistry
We delight ourselves in equipping our patients with good oral health habits while also striving to create memorable experiences. We want every child to look forward to their dental visits and always leave smiling!
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Healthy pearly whites are possible for every child. All it takes is the right education and care. During regular dental check ups we will:
- Provide a professional cleaning, removing stains, plaque, and tartar buildup.
- Review proper nutrition and dietary habits.
- Teach good brushing and flossing habits.
- Assess risk for developing cavities.
- Evaluate and assess for normal growth and development, including tooth development, eruption, spacing, alignment, and arch form.
- Discuss any oral habits (ex. pacifier, thumb sucking) and how they may be affecting normal growth and development.
- Provide resources that stop cavities like fluoride (a treatment that can help to strengthen teeth) and sealants (a material that protects/seals the groves in the teeth).
We look forward to answering any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s oral health!
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Sometimes, despite our best efforts, cavities happen or teeth break. Whether the tooth needs a filling, a crown or a customized treatment, our pediatric doctors can assess your child’s specific need and restore his or her teeth back to health and beauty.
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Your child might catch the giggles during his or her visit to the office. For certain treatments, we use Nitrous Oxide, “laughing gas”, a safe and effective technique offered to ease your child’s experience during a dental visit. It is inhaled and absorbed by the body to produce a calming effect. Nitrous Oxide is a blend of two gases-oxygen and nitrous oxide. When inhaling, your child remains fully conscious and keeps all natural reflexes. It is non-addictive, quite mild and easily tolerated. Once the dental treatment is over, your child breaths in 100% oxygen to flush out any excess Nitrous Oxide and your child is all set to go!
Any unexpected health issues can be scary, especially when they involve your child. When this happens, you may become anxious about whether to call us right away or not. However, if your child is experiencing dental pain that you believe is related to a recent dental treatment, give us a call. If you aren’t sure, consult the guide below. If the problem is clearly an emergency, call us ASAP or go to your local urgent care or emergency center if we are unable to answer you immediately. If you aren’t sure, consult the guide below. Give us a call or visit our Post-Op care section if your child is experiencing dental pain that you believe is related to recent dental treatment.
CALL US RIGHT AWAY! Do NOT try to put the tooth back in. It is okay that the tooth came out, but we need to assess the area as soon as possible to give the best care and to check for other injuries. If the accident happens after the office has closed, use the after hours number and we will get back to you quickly.
CALL US IMMEDIATELY! Find the tooth if you can and touch only the crown—the white part—and avoid the root. If the tooth is dirty, rinse it with cold water, but not longer than 10 seconds. DO NOT use soap or scrub the tooth. The best thing to do is place it back in the socket, but it you cannot, put it in a stainer with milk and your child’s saliva. Then, come to the office immediately, even if it is not normal business hours.
Give us a call so we can schedule your visit as soon as possible. This isn’t usually an emergency, but we don’t want your child to be in pain.
Once you call us, ask your child to point to the exact area that is hurting. Check the area for foreign objects because that could be the cause of pain as well as a loose baby tooth or an erupting tooth. Also, check to see if there is a small hole underneath the tooth because this may be the sign of a cavity.
If you notice swelling in your child’s face, use a cold compress and call us as soon as possible. Any swelling related to dental anatomy is a reason for concern. This could indicate an abscessed tooth or other infection, both of which need to be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications.
To comfort your child, here are some simple remedies to use until you are able to visit us:
- Rinse your child’s mouth with warm water or salt water.
- Try to floss out and dislodge any food debris that may be impacted and causing pain.
- Apply a cold compress (no heat should be used) or ice wrapped in a cloth.
- Administer ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed for pain. Be sure to follow the recommended age and weight dosage guidelines printed on the bottle.
- Do NOT place aspirin on the gums or on the aching tooth. This can lead to serious burns.
CALL US RIGHT AWAY! By taking immediate action, we can save the tooth, prevent infection, and even avoid extensive and costly treatments. Rinse the mouth with water and apply a cold compress before heading to the office. If you can locate the missing piece of the tooth, bring it with you to the dentist.
This can be life-threatening. DO NOT move your child unless you are certain there has not been any damage to the spinal cord. Once your child has been treated by emergency services, give us a call so we can determine what treatment is needed.