Updated COVID-19 Precaution Memo:
Parents may now come in directly for check in, as we are no longer utilizing mobile check in.
During the appointment, parents have the option to accompany the patient to the clinic or wait in the lobby area.
Please note, although we are going to be increasing capacity in our waiting area, we will still need to limit the number of parties with the patient.
Please be prepared to answer a series of questions related to COVID-19.
- Have you or any member of your household been exposed to anyone that has tested positive for COVID-19?
- Have you been exposed to anyone that has had any known symptoms of COVID-19?
- Have you traveled to any of the known hotspots within the last 14 days?
- Is the patient currently experiencing any cold or flu like symptoms?
Please note that ALL patients and parents are REQUIRED to wear a facemask or face covering upon entering our office.
One parent will be permitted in the clinical treatment area for children under the age of 8.
Children over the age of 8 will be escorted to the treatment area without an accompanying parent.
Children are NOT to be dropped off. A parent MUST remain on the premises whether they are inside or waiting outside.
Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated during this time. We vow, in spite of the circumstances, to continue putting your smile first!
Goldsboro Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics